Thursday, September 16, 2010

Our Constitution

I admit I listen to a lot of talk radio. I do so mostly because I can’t stand to listen to music all the time, and most music doesn’t interest me. The other day I was listening to a program, I can’t remember which one, and a person called in and made a comment that got me thinking. It wasn’t profound or well put in any stretch of the imagination, as a matter of fact when he said it, I yelled at the radio in utter disgust. The comment was that we, the American people have to defend the Constitution because it gives us our Rights. The radio host agreed with him and asked what he was doing to defend the Constitution. I would say that some reading this are wondering what made me upset. Well, I will tell you.

The Constitution of the United States of America does not grant us, nor give us our Rights. To say that the Constitution grants us our Rights is to say that our Rights are granted by men and can thereby be taken by men. The Rights guaranteed under the Constitution are not granted by that document, but enumerated by it. They are inventoried by that document making a list of Rights granted by Natural Law, and Nature’s God. When performing an inventory in a commercial setting, you count those items that are currently on hand, not those items that you plan on purchasing or creating at a later date. It is the same with our Constitution. The Founders were well aware of Natural Rights, they had mentioned that such things were existent when they authored and signed the Declaration of Independence. These men being as wise as they were, knew that man, not God would endeavor to replace man’s Rights with oppression. It is natural for men to restrict the free exercise of another’s Rights to suit their personal agenda, therefore the Founders saw fit to provide the Government an outline of those things which they could not touch. Our current President, Barrack Hussein Obama, has gone on record saying that his biggest concern with the Constitution is that it is a document of negative Rights for the Government; it says what they can’t do, but not what they can do.

Our government, for decades has endeavored to remove from men their Rights granted them by the Living God. They’ve extended extensions of those “rights” unto some, while limiting or completely annihilating the Rights of others in order to do so. You can’t pass hate crime legislation and maintain equal Rights for all because by the mere act of creating the legislation you’ve created an unequal situation amongst the citizens. All crime is based on hate, and therefore the creation of a special characterization for crimes against segments of society creates inequality in the laws.

We are approaching Constitution Day this Friday. I am very excited to see all the celebrations being planned and the preparations to provide education on the Constitution to the Citizens of this Nation. I just hope that we, those Citizens who claim to uphold the Constitution and who love this Nation will work to really understand what the Constitution is. It is important that we understand that our government cannot take from us that which they have no power to take. If we allow them to believe that they do, or if we believe that they can, they will. They will leave us without hope and limit our ability to question them. Thomas Jefferson knew this well and it is plainly manifested in his writings as in the writings of many of our Founding Patriots. In this current exigency we must ban together as one people and learn our Rights and study the Constitution. I don’t mean in large groups, getting together to pontificate upon the delicate state of our Nation and to rile against everything Federal. All that does is foment hate which leads to unpleasantness in the Public arena of debate. What we need is for Patriots to come together and study the document and understand the original intent. It is obvious through the writings of the of our Founding Fathers that they fully intended the People to understand the distribution of power, and that by understanding the distribution of power amongst the Federal System of Government we were to properly limit the unholy extension of that power into realms forbidden by the Constitution, yet we as a people have been told that it is not that important to know what it says, but more important to “interpret” the application to today since it was written so long ago by slave owning white men who had no clue as to what they were doing. I don’t except this, nor should any freedom loving American.

The System created by the Constitution is as near to perfect as men can get here on earth, when it comes to Government. If we understand it, we can properly dispense the powers of Government within the confines and limits put upon it by the Constitution and we will strengthen our Nation. The Constitution was written for a moral people, if the people are without morals we are without hope. We can’t turn to the Constitution and expect to be saved as a Nation; it will not work. Without morals, men are led by lust for power, and greed, and that is what has caused Nations to fall throughout history, and that is what is causing our Nation to weaken and shake at it’s foundation, the Foundation of the Constitution.

May this Constitution day bring joy and renewal to the hearts of America, and may we ban together and bridge the divide that is tearing us apart as a Nation. Let us turn to that which works, and may we ever remain a Nation United.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I've reached my saturation point with the left and the leftist media when it comes to racism. I find it odd that what some call free speech, others call racism. What is racism, since nobody can obviously agree as to what it is? If we were to look at the dictionary we would see this definition, "a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement...a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine, hatred or intolerance of another race or other races." These definitions seem to give a pretty good synopsis of what racism is, and in essence what it isn't. Yet our government under Obama, or I should say our Justice Department under Holder who is under Obama, has determined a man standing outside a polling station on election day holding a club and declaring to white people as they approached, "I hate white people, I hate every iota of a've gotta kill some cracker babies if you want freedom, kill every cracker baby"; is not racism, but free speech. Yet, on the other hand a person holding a sign saying "NObama" is racist because Obama is black and therefore the person holding the sign is a bigot and a racist and therefore the Tea Party movement is racist. Do we need to refer back to the definition of racism to see the irony in that determination of racism?

Let's talk about racism. The Black Panthers, the group that Eric Holder and the Justice Department and Obama have decided that they are not going to pursue with legal jurisprudence because they don't see anything wrong with what they did, are racists. The leader of the group when asked if he supported what was said by the man outside of the polling station, never said that he didn't agree with him, as a matter of fact he said that for the sake of the interview he would say no he didn't believe that they needed to kill all white babies, but should focus more on the police instead. And the man who was the leader of that prestigious organization prior to him gave a talk in South Africa saying that he believed that all white babies and their mothers should be killed, because the white babies grow up to be oppressors as taught by their mothers. Then you have the Weatherman organization who during the 60's and 70's attempted to start a race war between the whites and blacks to cure the injustices against the blacks. Don't forget that Obama is good friends with one of their "charter members" Bill Ayers. They believed wholeheartedly that white mothers and babies needed to be killed in order to stop the "oppression" against the blacks. And, our own government has repeatedly passed laws putting on an unequal ground whites and minorities (as they like to refer to us as). Minorities are constantly being told by government that we can't stand on equal ground as the whites therefore we need help to compete with them. I don't know about other minorities, but I don't feel inferior to any race, creed or person. I don't think I need special privilege to measure up to the whites. I guess that just shows that I am naive and need the governments help to save me from my own ignorance.

On the other hand, somehow the belief that our desire for us to return to the guidance of our divinely inspired Constitution is racist, is absurd. A scripture comes to mind found in Isaiah 5:20 which states "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" It is believed that our desire to return to the Constitution is a desire to propel us back to the ante-bellum days of America when slavery was legal and oppression was accepted. Because the Founding Fathers were slave owners, evil and racists. This train of thought shows the ignorance of those purporting such beliefs. Any review of the notes and writings coming out of the Constitutional Convention would show that many of the Founding Fathers believed that slavery should be outlawed in the United States, but ceded the issue to ensure they could get ratification of the Constitution and thereby save the Country that they loved. George Washington upon his death freed his slaves and set up a trust fund to ensure that they could get educated. Does that sound like a man who desired to oppress the black people? The Founding Fathers who ceded the issue believed that the day would come when the issue would be brought up again and they hoped that at that time the people would be ready to do the right thing. The Constitution was written to protect all, not just the whites. Our desire to return to the Constitution of the United States is nothing more than a desire to retain our freedoms as Citizens of this great Nation. We are a shining city on a hill, you don't light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candle stick and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. We are that candle! We need to start shining and be a moral people.

Racism is found in all parts of society, and it is not, nor should it be acceptable in any of them. All people are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, among them are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We must put aside the rancor and embrace that which unites us, our Constitution, and our liberty which it ensures. We must ever remain a Nation United!

Sunday, July 4, 2010


This being Independence Day, this morning I took the opportunity to read the Declaration of Independence. It is a document that is given even less respect than our Constitution. It outline in no uncertain terms or language that our rights are derived from God, and not Government. I believe that the Declaration is given lip service as our government leaders quote that we are guaranteed life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I remember a couple of weeks ago, I was listening to the radio and a clip was played of a Democrat Congressman being asked from where he derived his authority to mandate health insurance for everyone, and he said it was from the Constitution, and the follow up question was where in the Constitution, and he responded that we are guaranteed life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. He was told that that wasn't the Constitution, but the Declaration of Independence, and he said that he didn't care, but he derived his authority from a moral responsibility.

I am sorry, but that is completely and wholeheartedly false. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States both declare in plain english for all to read that the rights of the people are derived from God, and that government derives its' power and authority from the people. For government to say that they are the ones who give us the rights to exercise under the Bill of Rights, is a statement rife with arrogance and naivete. The government can't take from us our freedom of speech, because it is inherently ours as an unalienable right given us from God, not man. The definition of unalienable is, "not to be separated, given away, or taken away". Therefore our rights as free Americans can't be diminished by government, or I should say government has no authority to abridge or diminish our rights as free Americans. The Declaration of Independence is correct in its declaration that, "all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed". We the people of the United States of America who see the tyrannical and despotic actions of the Federal Government, have tried to redress the situation through peaceful means. We've endeavored to sound the alarm in a manner to help all Americans to wake up to their God-given right to self-government.

We declare that government is established, "for the people, by the people, and of the people". Government is established and revoked by the will of the governed. We the People of the United States of America are a free people, so established by heavenly decree and ratified by the Constitution of the United States. Our freedoms are not diminished by the will or desire of others to take them from us. We must boldly stand, or we will be made to kneel and accept tyrannical despotism. Freedom and Tyranny cannot reside in the same space.

May we as a Nation, on this Day of Independence, declare with our Founding Fathers:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these States; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present President of the United States is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.

May we remember our sacred duty which we owe not only to ourselves, our families and our Country, but to our God, the author of our Freedom, and may we ever remain a Nation United.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Arizona Immigration Reform

There has been a lot of angst as of late over the recent Immigration Laws that went into effect in Arizona. The State of Arizona has taken a lot of abuse by lawmakers, the President and the media over the adoption of the strictest immigration laws in the Country. There have been calls for boycotts of Arizona, including their baseball team. All because a sovereign State has decided that enough is enough.

We are a land of laws, and it is be obedience to those laws that society is protected. I have heard commentators say that the law is centered on hate and bigotry. I would ask a simple question, how? As a Hispanic I see nothing to fear in the Arizona law. That is true, I don’t live in Arizona, but even if I did I would not think that the Gestapo was going to kick in my door and drag me out into the streets in a public display of racism. While I lived in Spain, I was approach repeatedly by the Guardia Civil and the Police requesting to see my papers. The Police and the Guardia Civil roam the train stations and bus stations asking to see everyone’s papers that don’t look like they are from Spain. I didn’t hold up a sign saying that the Police were racist and that it was unfair. I didn’t go to a Government Building and smear a Swastika in refried beans on the wall in defiant opposition to a social wrong. Spain had laws, and they expected them to be adhered to, and I respected that. Why then are we hearing so much opposition to the enforcement of our Immigration Laws in the United States?

It is interesting though that the President would say that the Law in Arizona is ill-conceived and wrong because it is requiring people living in their State to be Legal Immigrants, but at the same time requiring that all U.S. Citizens purchase health insurance or be fined or face imprisonment is justified. Since when do we as a Nation extend greater courtesy to non-citizens than to those who are Citizens of this great Nation? The Police can’t ask to see documentation, but the IRS can demand to see proof of insurance, it boggles the mind in its absurdity.

The same people who deride the Tea Party demonstrators as bigots and hate mongers, and out of control are those who say that the Latino demonstrators are within their full rights as, well I was going to say Citizens, but they aren’t so I will say Central Americans or South Americans wherever they originally called home. I’ve seen more hate and vitriol come out of the Arizona protests than I recall seeing in the Tea Party protests. They’ve made piƱatas with the picture of the Gov. of Arizona, and that isn’t violent according to the media, wait, it’s not that the media doesn’t say that it isn’t violent they just ignore it and then it is ok. The double standard used by the Democrats and the media is sickening. We as Patriotic Americans are told that we are committing insurrection and treason for coming out against Healthcare reform, but you can protest immigration reform and that is ok.

It makes me ashamed to be Hispanic as I see these people taking to the streets in angry protest around the Country. I for one support the law, and if it were to be adopted here in Utah, I would not feel threatened by it. I don’t think that I would be stopped any more frequently than I already do. As a brown person you get used to certain attention paid to you when out and about. I recently heard a comment by Obama in which he indicated that Hispanics, or as he put it, Latino Males can’t leave their homes without facing danger every day. I was unaware that I was in danger so often, thank goodness that I always have a police detail on me when I am driving around town. I am being facetious of course; I don’t always have a police detail, only some of the time.

What I am trying to say is that I support Arizona in defending and protecting its Citizens; it is doing more to do so than the Federal Government. I will wear my Arizona Diamondbacks hat and jersey in support of Arizona, and I will pray for cool heads and even tempers as the debate goes on.