What does America mean to me? I've taken the opportunity over the last few months to really reflect upon this question, and the intensity of my thoughts have deepened over the past weeks. Today I was listening to a soliloquy called I am the American Flag, and I began reflecting upon what it means to be an American as we approach the 4th of July holiday. I fear that patriotism has been reserved as a 4th of July expression to be suppressed until the following 4th. It's like giving and goodwill during the Christmas season, or expressions of love during Valentines day. We hastily hang a flag outside our homes for the 4th, we sing the National Anthem and we shed a tear for our fighting men and women who are currently or who have served to preserve our Freedoms and then the next morning we take down our Flags and our patriotic bunting and we gear up for the next holiday in the good ol' American fashion.
Is that what America is? Is that what it means to be an American? I would hope that more people would think not. Patriotism is not something that we put up for a day in the form of a flag, Patriotism is something which surges through the human soul which causes one to be in awe when they see the American Flag waving in the blue sky. It's a feeling of pride that one feels as they sing the National Anthem, as they stand at the beginning of a baseball game or other daily event. I often get a lump in my throat as I sing the National Anthem or listen to it sung by those who have a gift for singing. Patriotism is a feeling of duty towards one's Country and a desire to see Constitutional Law preserved. Patriotism is the feeling of disgust as you witness the engorgement of the government at the expense of the Citizen. Patriotism is the call to action that you feel when faced with a decision which effects the Nation. Patriotism is going to the poll booth on election day, even though it may not be convenient to your daily schedule. Patriotism is the desire that fairness be extended to all men regardless of who they are, a pure belief that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.
What does America mean to me? It means Freedom. Freedom to choose whether or not I want to succeed or fail. Freedom to choose the path which I feel is right for myself and my family. Freedom to decline carrying health care coverage without the fear of being fined up to $1,000 by my government. Freedom to listen to the radio to whomever or whatever I want without being told that I am uninformed and of a lower intelligence than the governing body. Freedom to determine for myself my salary if I own a company that is successful. Freedom to own a gun and ammunition for that gun without being penalized by the government. Freedom to think or act in the way I feel most comfortable in accordance with my own conscience without being told that my ideas and feelings are extreme and unacceptable within the halls of government.
America is justice for all, not the few. Recently the Attorney General of the United States Eric Holder was asked if the broadening of the hate crimes statute would extend to the protection of a priest who was attacked for not supporting gay rights, and his answer was no. The recent overturning of Judge Sotomayor's ruling against the New Haven Fire Fighters who believed that their test scores should have been sufficient for promotion, with a 5-4 ruling in favor of the firefighters should cause all to question the absence of justice for ALL Americans. White, black, Hispanic, Asian, Indian,or whatever other race or creed, all should be viewed with equality under the law. There should be no enhancements of one demographic group over another. The symbol for the justice system is the blindfolded lady with the balance of justice in her hand, but this is no longer true. The so called justice system has ripped off the blindfold and has been issuing racist judgements for decades trying to placate special interest groups. The result has been the deepening of racial segregation and the tipping of the balance of justice against those who are being accused of the very acts which are being perpetrated upon them.
That's not America, that is not what our Founding Father's envisioned for this great Nation. There is no reason why we should be embarrassed for being great! America is great! If it were not so why would so many people want to come here to live? Do you see people risking life and limb to sneak into Cuba, Russia, China, or any other nation on this earth? No! They are coming here to America, and that is why this Nation was established to be a place where the citizens of the various nations of the earth could resort to to experience Freedom and then take those things which they've learned back to their own nations. This Nation was set up as an example to the world, and now we are a joke. Whereas the nations of this earth are moving away from socialism we are falling all over ourselves to establish socialist programs here in America.
America is freedom and liberty. America is peace and strength. America is opportunity. America is great because it's people are great, but it's people are changing, and not for the better. My prayer is that more Americans will rise up and awaken to the great sense of responsibility which is ours. It is not the government's place to take care of us, it is our solemn duty and responsibility to ensure that America remains strong and a beacon of Liberty and Freedom for the world. May this 4th of July, our Independence day be a day of joyful reflection upon those freedoms which we all enjoy by virtue of the existence of this Great Nation. May we celebrate our freedoms on the 4th and cherish them every day of our lives. May God grant unto us the privilege of ever remaining a Nation United.