A lot is being said the past few months about government sponsored stimulus. Of course, stimulus is not solely the result of the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic, the government likes to utilize the carrot of stimulus to feign action in times of economic crisis.
The truth is that stimulus checks do not produce any relief. The bills containing the token payments to the public are rife with bailouts and pet projects. Think about it. They tell the American people, (the tax payers, those upon whose shoulders rest the success of the economy), here’s your pittance in whatever amount they feel will make the dog’s stop barking and then they dole out large swaths of money to special interest groups, and foreign nations. Truth be told, giving billions of American Taxpayer dollars to foreign nations does not necessarily or even remotely benefit the American people. I mean you can squint your eyes, stand on your head, and bounce and you still can’t see a benefit to the American people, initially. Eventually you will get brain damage and who knows you might start seeing that benefit, but barring a major head injury and impaired judgement there’s no benefit.
Corporate bailouts do not work like they are “intended” to. Remember TARP and the big insurance companies and banks that were bailed out? A great deal of that money went to shore up overseas business. Bailing out a state suffering from failed policies, does not help either. We have all heard the definition of insanity, right? It’s doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. If a state is failing because of its policies and nothing changes and millions of dollars are poured into the state in the form of tax-payer funded bailouts— the same thing is going to happen again and all the money spent did absolutely nothing, but line the pockets of lawmakers and special interest groups.
Do I sound a little cynical here? I hope that I do. Because handing out money doesn’t help. What does help then? Well, the answer is simple. It’s the answer is the same answer used throughout history to spur economic recovery. Granted it’s not immediate in its optics, but it is lasting in its results. That’s the problem with today’s citizen. We are not patient we want something right now, if it’s not immediate we need to whine about it until we get what we want. Look at the great depression, the people were suffering, jobless numbers were staggering, the unemployment rate was 24.9%. I am not a big fan of the New Deal introduced by Roosevelt, but it put people to work on the various government jobs like the TVA, building roads, and etcetera. As people were able to get back to work the economy began its recovery. Then minimum wage was instituted under the FLSA in 1938, and there was a spike in unemployment. You see companies that were struggling coming out of the depression were unable to pay the required minimum and so they had to let people go. Does this sound a little familiar? It should. We are coming out of a huge world pandemic that has created an economic crisis of global proportions. Many small companies are barely hanging on due to government instituted polices that have kept them either closed or running at minimum capacity. The government is stepping in with their latest iteration of stimulus which includes the $15 minimum wage requirement for employers. This anti-recovery move portends to have disastrous effects upon our employment status within the United States. But deep down inside we know that is the intended purpose. I recently heard a Democrat Lawmaker respond to the question asked to him about the impact on companies that are unable to pay $15 minimum per hour because they are struggling, his response was that they know that there are some companies unable to pay that, and in all honesty, they didn’t want companies that were not willing to increase pay. In layman terms, small companies can just shut down completely and make room for large corporations to meet the needs of the American consumer. In essence it is the promotion of government sponsored monopolies, or should I use that oft avoided dog whistle, an oligarchy. That is a subject for another day.
The point is that stimulus checks sent to tax-payers are smoke screens for bigger more nefarious things. It’s a way of the government establishing itself as the overseer of everything. Don’t get me wrong, the government has its place. That’s why they are instituted by men. It exists because we will it to exist. Government power and authority is not inherent or inherited. It is granted through the Constitution, by the people of the United States of America. We have allowed this cockeyed view of our relationship to government to completely permeate every aspect of society. The view of an all-powerful government to whom we subject to. A government that has control over every aspect of our daily lives and it keeps growing in its oversight. Now we have a government that believes that it has the power and authority to silence opposition.
Listen to the rhetoric coming from Washington. Talk of reprogramming and eliminating those who don’t hold their world view. The cadence at which this talk is growing is alarming and should cause all freedom loving citizens of this Nation to stand aghast and repulse it with fervor. Our freedom is being eroded away by the under-currents of political bigotry while we are being sold on the surface a desire to strengthen the republic. The infighting between the two major political parties of the day is fueled by rancor and vitriol.
The United States of America was built upon a foundation of freedom established by an amalgamation of the people fleeing the very things our government is attempting to do at this very moment in history. The Constitution is only referenced when suitable to the situation, otherwise it is ridiculed and torn to shreds by the very body of people who swore an oath to uphold it. It sickens me to see the applause that they receive as they declare their disgust for this Nation and their desire to fundamentally alter it into vision of their progressive utopia.
I ask you, the reader a question. If the government were to offer you a guaranteed living wage, housing, food, and medical coverage, would you be willing to relinquish your right to the protections of the Constitution of the United States? If your answer is yes, well congratulations— you are going to get your chance. If your answer is no, you had better do all within your legal power to turn the tide because we are well on our way down this course.
If we are to remain free we must be willing to fight within the confines of the law. I do not advocate stuff like what has happening throughout the country with the riots, and occupations of large tracks of America’s cities. Nor do I condone what happened on January 6th in Washington DC. To me they are one and the same. You cannot applaud one and condemn the other it is the very definition of hypocrisy. If we do not get a hold of ourselves as a Nation we will never be able to recover what we are losing and will yet lose without the effusion of greats amounts of blood. No, that is not a threat, that is a fact. Once usurped freedom will be a hard fight to regain. My plea is for civility and commonsense legislation that will put America back on track to success and prosperity. My hope is that we can open our eyes and see the deception before us and the manipulation that is going on. My call is for unity under the Constitution and its principles of freedom. May we ever remain a Nation united!