Friday, October 17, 2008

The Constitutional Rights of "Joe" the Plumber

Well it was bound to happen. The man known to America as Joe the Plumber is being attacked by the media. All he did was ask a tough question of Obama and now he is public enemy number one, because he owes back taxes (totaling less than $1,200) and his name is not really Joe, it's Samuel. He should be taken out and severely punished for lying about his name. Oh, and did you know he isn't even a licensed plumber? Yeah, his boss is, not him, how dare he call himself a plumber. I am being facetious here of course. I could care less about his back taxes, or his name or even if he is a plumber or not. What I care about is the fact that his individual right to speech has come under fire. All for asking the question on why he should vote for Obama taking into consideration his current economic situation. If Obama can't answer the question without being put out when a person doesn't agree with him on the outcome is that any reason to cause that he be excoriated for his position in being opposed to his economic views. Any intelligent non-political analysis of Obama's economic "plan" will uncover errors and omissions of major importance.

History has repeatedly shown that you cannot tax a nation into prosperity, it is anathema to common sense. His plan would give tax incentives to companies for a period of two years to create jobs in America and then at the end of two years those incentives would expire and those companies would loose the advantage of the domestic workforce. No company would go through the expense of hiring and training a workforce for two years. The "benefit" doesn't exist and therefore it is a smoke screen or merely a poor attempt at political posturing. America seems to be buying it though, he cares about the little guy, the working class American. When you look into his proposals you will see who he cares about, and it is himself. He will create more unemployment and create more financial stress in the market until he can implement his true economic agenda, socialism.

His health care plan for example, will require companies that are wealthy ($250,000 and more) to provide health care benefits for their employees and be assessed a tax to fund the national fund for health care. Employees will be able to retain their current benefits without any problems according to Obama. Let's look at reality, a company who is paying for health care and paying an additional tax to cover universal health care will gradually lower benefits until the employee declines employer sponsored health care, these employees will then move over to the universal health care increasing the demand. By the way if you think that this is merely an attempt to smear Obama and say that he is unintelligent, look at the case of Hawaii. Seven months ago Hawaii passed the Nation's first universal health care program to cover all children in Hawaii. Today they announced that they were closing it down because too many people who were getting benefits from either work or self-paid were taking their children off of their policies and getting them on the State sponsored policies, which overburdened the system and depleted the funds allotted for it. The same will happen with Obama's plan and there will be a massive push for the government to takeover the health care system. Just like we see right now with the government buying up stock in banks, taking ownership of banks throughout the country.

Obama mentioned in the debate the other night that we as a Nation and them as the government need to re-evaluate the way things are done in the United States with regards to debt and our economic plans, this is merely code for we need to re-evaluate capitalism and consider moving more toward communism if we are to succeed in today's world. Communism is not the answer for America, free market enterprise without government intervention is though. We don't need more government oversight of every little detail, this just creates more bureaucracies to deal with and which drain much needed financial resources from the federal government and therefore from the people.

Let's get back to "Joe" the wanna be plumber. He in actuality represents each and every hard working American. Each of us wants to live the American dream of owning our own company or reaching a level of success in our careers where we are earning six figures easily. Under Obama this dream or hope becomes dead, or as Obama would put it, our " Audacity of Hope". This our audacity is what Obama wishes to conquer and help us overcome by being more Patriotic and paying more taxes and giving up on this foolish notion of business ownership for self improvement and or career advancement. Those who are suckling on the breast of the federal government will continue to be taken care of for their continued support while those who dare try to obtain greatness will be litigiously whipped into submission until we freely accept the redistribution of wealth in America give up our supposed claim to individual rights understanding that the Constitution is a document of yesterday and today America must embark on a new journey, a journey to align ourselves with their view of America as broken and mean spirited.

I for myself will never accept this view of America. I am free, and I will remain free. My rights and this freedom which I claim is not given to me by man, but by God. May our Nation forever be one, united under a common sense of duty and respect. My prayer for America is that our politicians will respect us as Americans and allow us to live free under the protection of the Constitution. May we ever remain a Nation United!

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