I've been following what has been going on in Washington with great interest. I have been amazed that there are certain individuals within the halls of Congress who have despite the personal attacks and hate speech directed at them (in many cases by members of their own party) have stayed true to their message of the People First. I for one find this behavior refreshing since it has been awhile since I've seen it come from any of the halls of government. It is always easy to stand for something when you stand with many, but that becomes extremely more difficult when you stand alone, so I for one applaud those taking a stand and letting their voice be heard.
That being said, I would like to talk about what is happening over there in Washington. We are experiencing a widening of the gap that separates us from them. What I mean is that the politicians in Washington for so long have been entrenching themselves in their lofty positions and redirecting power away from the people and placing it in their hands and those of bureaucrats in Washington who answer to them and not the people. You have to understand that when the Founding Fathers wrote the words, "We, the People of the United States....", they literally meant "WE", you and me, us. The initials of our great Nation say it all "US"! The power of the government doesn't lie in them it lies in US. It is similar to giving a Power of Attorney to someone to officiate in our business affairs in our behalf. Each Senator, Representative and President operates under this Power of Attorney. They are to operate the affairs of government as if we were operating them and therefore they are to listen to us as a people. They are to put us first before anybody else. That means rather than giving billions in aid to Egypt or Russia or some other foreign government they are to take care of the affairs of this Nation. They are to listen when we say no more, they are to listen when we say that we don't want to be forced to enroll in government sponsored healthcare. They are supposed to run to do their job when we tell them to take care of it. At least this is how government should operate here in the United States of America, but as you well know it doesn't.
Our government has been operating well beyond this basic definition that I've given. They are operating outside the Power of Attorney given to them and they've been doing it to this point with impunity. For the most part they've done it under the guise of that they were just trying to help and make our lives easier because why would we want to trouble ourselves with the affairs of government. They played the humble servant card while talking to us and then mocked us behind closed doors. Now, they are openly and blatantly thumbing their noses to our faces and telling us that we have no voice, that they are the powerful ruling class and we are to do as they tell us or suffer the consequences of our choices. Time and time again we the people are being pushed aside for special interests and Party rather than National loyalty.
This has brought us to this point. The President has been impotent as a "leader". He has not led in Washington from the front, but has sat back and thrown fuel on the fire and then stands on the sidelines imputing blame upon the Republicans or more specifically the Tea Party and Conservatives within the Republican Party. He has shown that he is not the great healer that he was made out to be, but rather the opposite. He is the great divider, he is working extra hard to destroy all peace within our Nation to cause pain and suffering where none need be felt.
This brings me to the Senate. That great Congress of self-important, self-obsessed men and women who love the greetings in the marketplace and to sit in the high places of importance. Who in all their babbling have nothing important or reasonable to say. They who out of show recognize time old tradition while on the floor of the Senate and then spit in the face of the American people. When the Constitution was ratified the Senators were appointed by the individual State Legislatures. This ensured that each Senator serving would be loyal to the State and work to protect the interests of the State. This was practiced until May 31, 1913 when the 17th Amendment was officially adopted into the United States Constitution. Those who pushed for the reform of how Senators should be chosen were Progressives.
You see, the Constitution specifically separated the powers and duties of each arm of the government for specific reasons. The House of "Representatives", these Representatives were to represent more the interests of the People who voted them into office, that is why there are so many of them as they represent a specified number of constituents within their voting districts. That is why they were given the authority to pass budgets and allocate funds because they represent the People and the desires of the People and are to disperse the funds of the People according to the will of the People and not according to the will of their party and or third party group or entity lobbying for preferential treatment. This is their most basic duty.
The Senate was to represent the will of the State. The elected State officials who, once again, represent the will of the citizens of their respective districts were to appoint the Senator, who would be subject to the State officials and thereby loyal to the needs of the State and responsive to those needs. By changing this dynamic you now have a scenario as we see now where the Senator for a state might be liberal but the majority of the Representatives in the House are not as are the majority of the Representatives on the State level, but now we have a new dynamic where they are pitted against the will of the People as they are now not subject to State Legislatures, but to Party affiliations and purposes. This has been no more evident than in what is happening today in Washington.
The 17th Amendment was essential to the Progressive movement in order to create a scenario where the will of the many would be subjugated by the will of the few. I understand that Senators are voted in by popular vote, and that is not what I mean by the previous statement. large cities tend to move towards a more liberal bent due to certain circumstances which exist within metropolitan areas, but outside of large cities we see the majority of the population lean more toward a conservative position. We see this in California, which is typically considered a mecca for liberalism. There are several Representatives in the House that are Republican, but both Senators are Democrats, thus silencing the voice of the Conservative Citizen within the State of California. I am not saying that if the State Legislature were to select a Senator for California, that the person would be Conservative, but what I am saying is that these individuals in states like California are essentially silenced and are not given place at the table when it comes to the protection of their individual rights.
We as a people are constantly being told that we have no choice but to do what they, the government tells us to do. If they say they need more money, We the People need to dutifully give it to them because they so mandate. If they want to listen to our calls and read our email, well we better not complain because we are too ignorant to know what is needed to be done to protect us from our simple stupidity. If we don't want to participate in "obamacare", well that is not our call. The government doesn't have to participate because the cost is too restrictive to them, but the people had better tow the line and do what they are told or be fined and have your money confiscated from your personal bank account.
Well, my fellow Americans, it is time that we revoke the Power of Attorney of many of our Senators and Representatives upon the grounds of dereliction of duty and for performance of duties beyond the scope of said Power of Attorney. These people including the President of the United States are standing in direct opposition of the will of the People and we should not be willing to stand idly by and allow it to continue like this. We have the power of government, not them. I don't care what you've been taught to believe, the Constitution places the power of government squarely in the hands of the American People and it is time that we take it back.
We need to stop being sheep and do something or we will have nothing to save. We say that we care so much about our children that we are willing to allow the government to take away our Constitutionally guaranteed and protected right to keep and bare arms to protect the children, but we don't care to protect Freedom for them? It makes no sense to a sensible person like me. My mind whirls in utter amazement as I watch the reaction of people today towards the government shut down.
To fix this situation that we currently find ourselves in will not be easy. We've allowed it to get this bad, and we must fix it or we will lose everything. We need to stop the senseless spending and over-regulation of everything in life or we will find ourselves left out in the cold and without a Country. We will find ourselves in the shackles of tyranny and then when that happens if we should then decide to do something we will only be able to get our Country back by the shedding of greats amounts of blood. Wouldn't it be easier to suffer a little now, rather than fight later?
We need to appreciate the gift of Freedom and Liberty or we will be given to servitude and oppression. God grants Freedom, and man enslaves their brethren for power. We can prevail, but we have to be willing to be a People United and thereby remain a Nation United.
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