Upon first reflection of the title of this piece one might think that I am about to write about the current conflicts in which we as a nation find ourselves embroiled. Or maybe you’re thinking that I am writing a comparative of the various wars and conflicts that the United States has engaged in over the past 232 years since declaring its independence from the oppressive British monarchy. I assure you that I am writing of neither subject at this time. I wish to unfold to your mind and to bring to your attention that war which has raged in America since September of 1787. What significance does this date carry? If you don’t know September 17, 1787 is when the Constitutional Convention passed upon the Constitution of the United States sending it out to each state to be ratified and made law. On this date not only did America truly become a nation, but also the powers of evil, which have endeavored since the very beginning of time to destroy the liberty and happiness of man, began its incessant attack on that document and the freedoms, which it guaranteed.
Over the years it has withstood the many attacks as many freedom loving Americans have stood up to protect it and ensure its continuation as a reasonably unaltered document. These defenders have come in many forms, but all have loved their country more than self. Whether politician or rank and file citizen all were united in their love of Freedom. As time goes on these defenders become less frequent and less informed. They decry oppression, but give no solution. They demand adherence to The Constitution, but when asked if they’ve read and studied that most important of documents, they’ve not taken the time to know the document. Don’t get me wrong I am grateful that they are willing to stand and try and ensure the perpetuation of this Great Experiment, our Nation, but I do wish they would endeavor to obtain full knowledge and be able to defend their positions with clarity and sound reasoning and knowledge. This Country, this bastion of Freedom and Equality cannot and will not be saved in ignorance. It is unreasonable and naïve for us to believe so and to carry on in such a manner as to think that it could be so.
When The Constitution of the United States of America was ratified and made law it was widely understood that the people held the power and the elected representatives reflected the will of the people in their decisions and legislative actions. Our first President, the Hon. George Washington believed this wholeheartedly and conducted his affairs in such a manner that he was able to ensure that the people retained power. He and the other founding fathers of this Nation consistently taught that the power rested in the people, not the government. They warned of deviating from this practice and belief stating in essence that once the government forgot from whence their power was derived the nation would be in peril. They believed that as long as America held to The Constitution and its precepts it would be safe. They were not naïve and knew that times change and that the document could not cover any future contingency, hence they placed in that document the ability to amend and ensured that any power or authority not enumerated therein would be retained by each individual State thereby ensuring that the Federal government could not become repressive and grow out of control. They then quickly passed upon the Bill of Rights, the original ten amendments to The Constitution. They knew by experience the order of events, which would be utilized by an oppressive government if Freedoms were to be taken from the people and they ensured that those steps or events would be curtailed by the Bill of Rights. The Founding Fathers believed that this Bill of Rights guaranteed the people the ability to remain free from oppression from an oppressive government. These Freedoms enumerated in the Bill of Rights would give the people the power to keep the government at bay and ensure that the power was vested in the Citizens of the United States.
From the beginning these basic of Freedoms were assailed as non-essential and of little importance. Those in government who believed that the power should rest in the heads of state and not the people endeavored to discredit the significance of the Bill of Rights and failed to ensure that those rights were equally distributed to all Citizens. Attempt after attempt was made to change the original intent of the Founding Fathers as time separated them from the then present circumstances facing the Nation and there began a movement to alter the law so as to make the people believe that power was derived from the office and not the public. Government began to grow and left unchecked over the years has swelled to proportions and size unparalleled in history.
Let’s flash forward to the early 20th century. In February 1913 the government succeeded in passing the 16th Amendment, which gave them the right to over-ride section 9 of Article I of The Constitution. They made promises that only the rich would be taxed, and that the taxes would in no way affect the poor or middle class. The American people failing to study their own history failed to see that at no time since the forming of the Country has the government ever given back a Freedom or in essence kept a promise. Within months of the passing of the 16th Amendment the size of government increased in size at a rate far exceeding that of the time of Andrew Jackson. With their newfound revenue source the government began to look into other areas of increased oversight and there ensued a period of wholesale engorgement of bureaucracies and various government agencies. Many within our own government looked upon communism as the eventual next step of our Nation. They truly believed that our Nation should adopt communistic practices and do away with our democracy. Luckily there were those in our government who believed that communism was not the answer and was able to hold off the tide for a while. When the Corn Feed Act came before the President of the United States he reluctantly declared that The Constitution granted neither him or the government the authority to pass such a law and that we should allow charities to help the farmers in need, and help they did and in a manner which far exceeded the level of help that the government was able to give.
Over the years government overstepping its bounds has waged war against businesses forgetting that we live in a society built upon the principles of a capitalistic economy. They’ve waged war against religions in which they did not agree. They’ve isolated the majority voice in America and have allowed foreign operatives and left-leaning American Citizens to virtually direct our energy policies to the point where we are faced with an energy crisis of unparalleled proportions. Our inability to drill off of the shores of this Nation when China is drilling is inexcusable. Our inability to drill in the Alaskan Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) within a footprint, which compared to the entire ANWR area is miniscule is ridiculous. Our own government’s efforts to stop all exploration and refinement into useable fuel of the Oil Shale of the western United States are treasonable in my estimation. Any and all attempts by our government to curtail efforts by domestic enterprises to assist in alleviating the pressures of the market due to the high costs of crude oil has been inexcusable and they should be held accountable for their indifference to the freedom of this Nation. They say that even if they were to allow the drilling it wouldn’t do anything to help alleviate the pressure at the pump, but they have had decades to do something and have chosen not to. They’ve chosen to be obstructionist to the advancement of American Freedom, all the while taking their oath of office vowing to defend The Constitution and the integrity of this Nation. Their vow of allegiance is meaningless if they refuse to put aside personal bias and spit in the face of America. Members of our government speak of America with disdain, they would have us to surrender to the will of other nations and thereby surrender our Freedoms and our sovereignty as a Nation. I am an American I make no apology and I make no excuses. No, I am not naïve; I do not believe that we are perfect and that all other nations must bow down to the American might as we spread our borders through “empire building” as some elites would have you believe. But I do believe that America is great, and what makes it great is its people, not its government, and the power of the people lies within The Constitution of the United States of America.
Our Nation has battled enemies in battlefields from the Philipeans to the Jungles of Asia, but no enemy has been more dangerous as those, which we fight in our own Nation. We fight against powers, dark powers of greed and elitism, and I don’t mean greed stemming from our capitalistic economy. I am speaking of greed and love of power of those who are in government and those who in the background endeavor to direct the affairs of government. I am not talking about conspiracies of a New World Order of one government politics that directs the affairs of the countries of the world. Although I do believe that there is a movement and a desire amongst elitist throughout the world who believe that they could direct things better than the peoples of their own nations. I am talking about environmentalists, liberals, socialists, communists, isolationists, etc. Conservatism is a dead ideal in politics since there is not one true conservative that can be found in elected federal office that has a voice to be heard. Those who make it in make noise but are drowned out by those who would silence the voice of reason and Patriotism in this country.
I call upon every Freedom loving American and person wherever you may be found strewn out amongst the nations of this world to unite in defense of Freedom. Resist oppression and totalitarianism. Stand up for your beliefs yet let others stand up for theirs. Don’t demonize your neighbor because they believe in something different from you. That is what nurtures Freedom and allows it to spread its wings over all and offer its protection to every Citizen. I have no problem with the socialist, but I do have a problem when they push their agenda upon me and silence my voice and dismiss me as a heartless capitalist hell bent on stepping over the little man in pursuit of my own engorgement and extravagance. Stand up for Freedom from foreign influence and manipulation. Stand up for Freedom of Religion. Stand up, speak out, and hold government and every citizen responsible for the affairs of this Nation. Let’s face it, the Founding Fathers were right when they said that religion and morality are the founding blocks of our freedom, and America cannot exist without adherence to the both. May God continue to bless America and forgive us for our unwillingness to protect those precious gifts granted us by His omnipotent hand, namely our Freedoms.
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